Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

New Penalty Notices - Please Read

New Penalty Notices - Please Read


Good afternoon,

We would like to make you aware that new legislation came into force on 19th August 2024 regarding the issuing of Penalty Notices in relation to absence from school.


The new legislation was brought in to address attendance concerns and will take effect for, absences recorded from the start of the new academic year commencing in September 2024.


There is a new “National Framework” which introduces consistency in the use of Penalty Notices across England by introducing a new national threshold at which they are considered. This will be met when a pupil has been recorded as absent for 10 sessions (5 school days) within a rolling period of 10 school weeks.


Please find attached a Parents Guide to Attendance which we hope you find helpful. Please be aware that the Issuing of Penalty Notices is no longer a decision made by school and ask that you consider this new guidance before booking holidays during term time.


Thank you

Mrs Hodgson