We follow the National Curriculum and make it bespoke to our context and children by adapting contect each year to suit our learners.
Our intention is for each of our children to thrive and reach their full potential as life-long learners.
Five Arches of Ambition: Achievement, Skills, Kindness, Opportunity and Voice
To enhance our curriculum offer we use a number of well-researched and evidenced schemes that bring the best and most interesting opportunities for learners while also supporting our teachers and their workload, ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum and happy, healthy teachers and learners.
Oracy - We value a voice for everyone - talking with clarity, confidence and kindness, lsitening with patience, flexibility and an eagerness to learn. These are essential social and self-regulation skills for positive relationships, now and in the future. https://voice21.org/
English -Award winning, book-based planning for literacy, writing, comprehansion and spelling - Literacy Tree https://literacytree.com/
Maths - Mastery approach - NCETM https://www.ncetm.org.uk/, Oak Academy https://www.thenational.academy/
Phonics - Read Write Inc (RWI)
Science - variety of resources to suit our curriculum plan and make best use of our outdoor learning environment and local area - including STEM week, ASDA/LIDL nutrition workshops, Farm to Fork, farm visit, beach visits, Keilder observatory and many more as opportunities and funding arise.
PE - Platinum Award 24-25 - at least 2 hours of quality PE each week, including coaching from NUFC - Newcastle United Foundation https://www.nufoundation.org.uk/what-we-do/schools and School Games #Make Active Memories,https://raring2go.co.uk/businesses/northumberland-school-games/ interschool and County competitions and festivals,
History and Geography - Mastery approach, including Tweedmouth Detectives and Walled Town Project - David Weatherly http://www.davidweatherlyeducation.co.uk/
Computing / Online Safety - Education for a connected world - https://projectevolve.co.uk/guidance/curriculum-planning/
PSHE - twinkl Life - Happier Children, Happier Staff, Happier Schools - https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/twinkl-life
Art and Design and Design and Technology - Kapow! - Knowledge rich and builds skills, diverse and inclusive resources, https://www.kapowprimary.com/
RE - Northumberland Syllabus https://www.northumberland.gov.uk/NorthumberlandCountyCouncil/media/Document-store/SACRE/Extract-from-NORTHUMBERLAND-Agreed-Syllabus-2022-2027.pdf and Understanding Christianity - Mastery approach to the Big Story of the Bible https://understandingchristianity.org.uk/
MFL - Kapow! - French - Y3-6
Outdoor learning whenever possible we take our learning outdoors to use our extensive field, garden and 'village' in our woodland area.