Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Tweedmouth West First School
Tweedmouth West First School
Osborne Road,
TD15 2HS
01289 306151


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries.

We will do our best to help you.

Mrs Hodgson is in the school office daily 8.30am - 12.00pm, 1.00pm-3.30pm.

At all other times, if contacting the school by telephone (01289 306151) please leave a message on the answering machine.  Alternatively you can send an email to admin@tweedmouthwest.northumberland.sch.uk

Tweed Tigers phone number - 07519 906 820

This number should only be used to notify staff of a change to pick up time, or to ask for your child to be collected out-with the usual collection times.


At Tweedmouth West the SENDCo is Mrs Anderson. 

The Chair of Governors is Julie Riley, and she can be contacted on Joolsriley@yahoo.com 

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