Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)


Dear Parents/Carers,


I hope you have had a good holiday, and have enjoyed the beautiful summer weather.
We are very excited to welcome the children into school tomorrow, particularly our new Reception class, who are
starting with us. Welcome too to Miss Gray, who will be teaching in Year 1.


Just a few reminders about coming back to school :-

The main gate will be open from 8.45, with everyone in by 9.00. You are welcome to take your child along to their
class. We finish at 3.15, and the gate will be open from 3.05, and you can come onto the playground to wait for the
doors to open.


All children should arrive in normal school uniform tomorrow as there are no PE lessons.
This first week will be very much about settling in, and getting to know the new class and teacher. We will get into our
proper routines next week.


Breakfast Club (starting at 8.00) and Tweed Tigers (3.15 – 5.15) will be starting from tomorrow.

Please see Mrs Hodgson if you would like to book your child in to either of these clubs.


Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Kind regards,

Mrs Robertson