Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter – 4. Autumn Term 2020

Weekly Newsletter – 4. Autumn Term 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you will have seen on the news this week, we are now in a new ‘Tiered’ system of restrictions. It’s hard to keep up with all the changes, but if we remember:-

                                  Hands  -   Face  -   Space

These are the most important elements. In school we continue to do everything we can to keep everyone safe.

During lockdown, I put out a request to everyone to knit squares for us. We were absolutely inundated with beautiful squares, which certainly put mine to shame!

Mrs Pick has been busy putting them together – no easy task! We are going to make several things with them, as there are so many, and they are so carefully made. 

Thankyou to everyone who took the time and trouble to do this for us.We will have something to keep for years to come, and we will be able to tell our Coronavirus stories to future generations of children at Tweedmouth West.

Watch this space, and we will show you the results of all that hard work!

Take care, and keep safe.

Mrs Robertson