Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 14.01.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


This has been quite a week. We have had 10 new cases of Coronavirus in school. We are very grateful to all the families concerned who have worked with us, testing and self isolating as needed. We wish them all a very speedy recovery.


We have welcomed back a number of children who have completed their self isolation, and their classmates were very pleased to see them!


Because of the increased number of cases, following advice from Public Health, we have reintroduced some of our previous covid measures. You will have seen the barrier on the playground which helps to keep our class bubbles separate when outside. I very much hope that this will be a temporary measure.


We are, of course, doing all we can to keep life in school as normal as possible. Year 4 had a very exciting animation workshop this week, and Year 3 will be taking part in the County Final of the Multi Skills School Games competition. Good luck Year 3!


I was very pleased to be back in school this week, and would like to say a huge thankyou to all those parents and children who gave me such a warm welcome. We really appreciate all your support, whether that is testing, wearing a face covering, socially distancing on the yard, or your kind words. Thankyou all for being part of the Tweedmouth West team.


Have a lovely weekend, and stay safe.


Mrs Robertson