Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Weekly Newsletter 04.11.22

Dear Parents/Carers,


It was good to welcome the children back this week after the half term holiday. They have settled back into school life really well.


Next week we will be thinking about Remembrance Day.


From Monday, we will be selling poppies for a donation at the gate.


In addition, there will be an assortment of poppy items (slap bands £1.50, wrist bands £1, zip ribbons and reflectors 50p each) on sale either at the gate or at the school office. Children will be limited to one slap/wrist band as stock is limited.


On Remembrance Sunday (13th November) we will be laying a wreath at the War Memorial in Tweedmouth at 12.15. All are welcome to join us there.


Thankyou so much for all the Food Bank donations you brought in before the holidays. They were delivered, and a new box is now in the school office.


Have a good weekend.

Take care,

Mrs Robertson