Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

School Cross Country Team Feb 2019

Success for Tweedmouth West First School Cross Country Team

On Thursday 28th February, Tweedmouth West Cross Country Team joined other local schools at the Longridge Towers Interschool Cross Country Competition.

Trials had taken place back in school the week before and for the first time ever, Year 1 children qualified, making this the youngest team the West had taken to the annual event.

As always the children were a credit to our school and their parents, they really did us proud with their individual achievements and behaviour on the day.

All children ran well on a tricky course which was unknown to the majority of our runners.

Congratulations must go to Grayson Brown in Year 2 for finishing first boy in his age group. This was a particularly special day for Grayson as he was running on his birthday.

In the Year 3 race, Layton Ellis finished in first place - by this time a large crowd had gathered at the finish line so he got the large cheer he deserved as he crossed the line. 

All competitors did themselves proud, we are looking forward to next year already.

Big thanks to Mrs Pick and Mrs Newton for organising the trials before hand and to our wonderful parent helpers on the day - much appreciated.