Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Results - Home Learning Questionnaire

Dear Parents/Carers,

I would like to thank all of you who took the time to complete our Home Learning Questionnaire. We really value your views, and I would like to share with you those opinions.

92% of children enjoyed working on Seesaw all or some of the time.

97% of parents felt the work that was set was right for their child.

92% of parents felt the amount of work was right.

97% of families felt supported by school during lockdown.

96% of families had technical help from school.

72% of parents used Seesaw as a way to communicate with school.

There was a huge variety of activities which the children particularly enjoyed, and that families found for themselves.

We really appreciated your honesty about how difficult the home learning situation was. This is something that was felt across the country, as families were dealing with the lockdown situation. For all of us, it was a tremendous learning curve, and we could only do the best we could.

I sincerely hope that we don’t face this situation again, and I am so glad to have the children back in school.

I will end with a quote from a parent, which I think sums everything up so well:-

I found the work and guidance really easy to understand and helpful and it was great to still have a good connection with the school and the teachers. The amount of work was just right .
The only problem I had, like most parents, was getting my child to sit down and do the work !!!

Kind regards

Mrs Robertson