Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Newsletter 4th March 2021

Newsletter 4th March 2021

Dear Parents/Carers,

We are all very excited about our re-opening next week here at Tweedmouth West.

I hope that you are too, and that the children are looking forward to being back, and seeing their friends again.

You and your child may be feeling anxious too, and we completely understand that we will all be feeling many different emotions. We will do our very best to make the children feel welcome, safe and happy when they return on Monday.

This is a real sign that things are starting to get better across the whole country, but we have to make sure that we still follow the guidance of ‘Hands – Face – Space’. This has never been more important, if we are going to keep the virus at bay. We will continue with our safety measures in school, and ask that you do too, at home.

I have attached the Government’s Roadmap, showing the time scale for the easing of restrictions. It gives me great hope for the summer!

Last week I sent out all the information you will need to know for our return to school, and we are really looking forward to seeing you all again!

I would like to say a huge thankyou to all our key worker children who have been in school throughout lockdown. They have worked incredibly hard, and kept our school going during a really tricky time.

Take care everyone, and be kind to each other.

We will see you all next week!

Mrs Robertson