Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Letter from Mrs Robertson

Dear Parents/Carers,
We are now reaching the end of the ‘Easter Holidays’ – the strangest holiday we
have ever had!

Next week, the children will have online work to do at home, based on See Saw
or Google Classroom. You should all have received a Parentmail message
explaining the online platform relevant to the needs of your child by the end of
today (Friday 20th April). Please send us an email (

or contact via facebook on Monday 20th April if you have not received these details.

This is a very different way of working for you and for us, so please do not panic
if you have any technical difficulties.
The Tweedmouth West staff have been working very hard to get this out to you
ready for Monday, and it has been a huge learning curve for us all! Keep a
positive attitude, and encourage the children to do their best.

I would like to say a huge thankyou to all our families who are working in
shops and services, helping to keep our lives as normal as possible.

Keep safe, and be kind to each other.

Warmest wishes
Anne Robertson