Last day of term – School closes at 2pm (No Tweed Tigers)

Latest Gov Covid Guidance LFD's

Dear Parents / Carers,

As you will be aware, the number of positive Covid cases is increasing and I want to make sure you understand the latest government guidance.


The current advice is for anyone aged 5 and over to take daily Lateral flow tests for 10 days from the last known contact with a confirmed positive case of Covid 19.


Full official Government Guidance is attached.


We will let you know if there is a positive case in your child’s class so that you can make this decision to test your child.


If your child is symptom free and /or has had tested negative on a lateral flow device, they are able to attend school as normal.


Please note that the symptoms that are currently being reported in our positive cases are: headache, tiredness, sore/puffy eyes, upset tummy or no interest in food and being over emotional. This is in addition to the widely reported high temperature and a cough.


To order a supply of lateral flow devices please follow this link: Order Rapid Lateral Flow Devices


If you have any questions please get in touch.


Yours sincerely

Mrs Robertson